flopZ - Happy Holidays! August 16 2014
It's been a hectic couple of weeks here at flopZ HQ!
Aga & Alan unveiled some new colours at PURE London & MODA Birmingham last week. Including the rather lovely "Pure White" flopZ which will be part of the Sping / Summer 2015 collection.
We will be changing our online pricing to £35 + postage. (The change is to make the checkout simpler as some folks forget to enter the free postage code.)
Meanwhile Sally, Pia and the girls were at Cowes week having a rather wonderful time among the sailing elite (... the Gin & Tonic stall did rather well!) The Isle of Wight was shown off in all it's glory and even the Red arrows turned up with a spectacular display over the harbour just before the fireworks on Friday night (despite the rain.)