flopZ freshers
Would you like to get involved with flopZ?
As a Student Brand Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to work with our team to promote flopZ on campus and online. This experience will enhance your professional development, leadership, and communication skills.
Our Student Brand Ambassadors are
- Excited by fashion, travel and socialising
- Innovative, creative with a keen interest in marketing,
- Active users of social media
- Enrolled in full-time undergraduate study
- Involved with student organizations, activities and school communities.
- Available a minimum of 10 hours per month to spend on flopZ ambassador work
- Reliable & goal oriented
- Network with campus societies to promote flopZ
- Promote flopZ through Social Media
- Run competitions
- Plan and host fun events on campus.
- Networking with other flopZ Student Brand Ambassadors.
- Track sales using your unique University student discount code and review progress with the flopZ team
- 10% Sales commission for every pair of flopZ purchased on your University's Unique Student Discount Code
- flopZ free samples & promotional items for you.
- Manage the workload to your own timeline (not fixed hours)
- Excellent experience for your CV
To apply:
Send your CV and a covering letter to services@flopz.co.uk telling us why you will be a great Student Brand Ambassador. Include an outline marketing campaign you would execute on your university campus to promote flopZ.
Current priority locations are UK, Australia and USA but feel free to apply from any country/university.